Artist Spotlight : ANGE

Ia orana,

My name is Ange and my passion for tattooing started in 2015 through various tattoo events and conventions that I attended as a spectator. It was a dream that I shared with my friend Stan at the time.

I got a chance to discover and observe this amazing art form up close thanks to Efraima Tattoo, who taught me the basics of the craft. I then decided to expand my learning by trying to diversify my apprenticeship in other shops.

In 2019, I joined a great team where I discovered the meaning and values of the Polynesian triangle culture. I learned from Makalio, who passed on his knowledge and principles of the discipline to me.

To me, tattoo art is more than just a job, it's a way to express my emotions and bring my creativity to life.

"My goal: To one day bring an artistic and personal touch while continuing to learn."


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